
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Spy story

The man who handed the USSR the Nazi plans for Barbarossa and Kursk

Was Olga Chekhova a secret agent of the Kremlin?...This network of agents included an important banker, a minister's secretary, the head of the research department of an airplane construction company, the daughter of a director of a tank construction company and high-ranking military officials. And some of the agents who have by now been uncovered were Hitler's favorite actresses Marika Rökk and Olga Chekhova.
In 1941 Chernyak's informers were able to get hold of a copy of the Barbarossa plan and in 1943 – the operative plan of Germany's invasion of Kursk. Although in 1941 Moscow did not take into consideration the unique documents that the agent had sent, resulting in the USSR being caught by surprise when the Germans attacked, in 1943 his multipage reports helped to destroy the Nazi hordes near Belgorod and Kursk, as well as launch the decisive turnaround in the war on the Eastern Front.

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