
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Immigration security

Germany’s Secret Night Refugee Flights: Is Merkel Lying Again?

Germany’s Secret Night Refugee Flights: Is Merkel Lying Again?
Is German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government surreptitiously flying massive numbers of Muslim “refugees” into German airports and military airbases on secret night flights? That is the charge in a sensational story by German writer Markus Mahler last week in the German publication Kopp Verlag. Spokesmen for the German government are denying the stories, stating that they are completely false. However, Chancellor Merkel’s credibility on this issue is almost nonexistent, as she has been caught repeatedly in lies, coverups, and deception on migration and refugee matters.
“Officially,” writes Mahler, “the refugee crisis in Germany is slowing down: less and less of them are walking on the Balkan route; one sees hardly any special trains or buses. No wonder: Apparently they travel by plane. Neither seen nor known about, one charter flight after another is landing at German airports.”
“They board the chartered planes in Turkey and in Greece,” Mahler reports. “They land in Germany late at night. They are then distributed by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) by buses to the reception centers. It was reported by several Kopp Online tipsters, who observed the buzz at German airports. So far, German media aren’t reporting it.”

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