
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

National security


815_Trump OH foreign policyDonald Trump isn’t backing down—on his overtures to Russia or his proposal to ban whole classes of immigrants from entering the country. That was readily apparent during the Republican presidential nominee’s remarks on terrorism in Youngstown, Ohio, Monday afternoon, when Trump promised to “put the mistakes of the past behind us and chart a new course” on national security.

The real estate tycoon didn’t offer much in the way of new initiatives, though he continued to refine his position on immigration. Trump has stopped calling for a blanket ban on Muslims, specifically, from entering the United States, emphasizing, instead, that he would suspend immigration from parts of the world “that have a history of exporting terrorism.” He has yet to explain how he would determine which countries fall into that category. On Monday, he added another layer of scrutiny he would apply to would-be immigrants: “an ideological screening test.”

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