
Monday, August 22, 2016

Supply-chain security

U.S. intelligence to help companies avert supply-chain hacking

As part of a new campaign by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, U.S. intelligence officials are planning to provide classified threat reports and other information to companies. The program will be targeted toward U.S. energy, telecommunications and financial businesses. Photo: Jeremy Piper /Bloomberg News / © 2016 Bloomberg Finance LP
U.S. intelligence officials are planning to provide information, including classified threat reports, to companies about the risks of hacking and other crimes tied to the supplies and services they buy.
The effort is part of a new campaign by the National Counterintelligence and Security Center to raise awareness that vulnerable supply chains give China, Russia and other governments — as well as criminals, hackers and disgruntled employees — the opportunity to steal sensitive information or disrupt operations.
“You’d be shocked to find out how many people really don’t know where their stuff comes from,” said William Evanina, the nation’s top counterintelligence official and director of the center. “The supply chain threat is one that’s the least talked about but is the easiest to manipulate for all aspects of our daily lives.”

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