
Friday, December 19, 2014


Homeland Security deportations drop in 2014
lan Gomez, USA TODAY4:52 p.m. EST December 19, 2014

Border Patrol Central America
(Photo: John Moore, Getty Images)
The Department of Homeland Security deported 414,481 undocumented immigrants from the country in fiscal year 2014, a 5% drop from the previous year, according the new figures released Friday.
The agency also for the first time apprehended more people at the Southwest border from Central America than those from Mexico, representing a major shift in illegal immigration patterns into the U.S.
The country saw a flood of unaccompanied minors from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, which strained the capabilities of the department and prompted Republicans to blame President Obama's immigration record for the surge.
Border Patrol apprehended 229,178 Mexicans attempting to enter along the Southwest border, but also caught 257,473 from other countries, the vast majority of those coming from Central America.
Homeland Security officials say the drop in overall deportations is due in part to the fact that people from countries other than Mexico take longer to deport. While Border Patrol agents can hand Mexicans directly over to their counterparts in that nation, each undocumented immigrant caught from Central America must be housed, processed and put on a plane to return to their country.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the agency primarily responsible for tracking down undocumented immigrants living in the interior of the country, also reassigned 200 agents to focus on the flood of border-crossers, further lowering overall deportation numbers. That left the agency with fewer people to track down undocumented immigrants already living in the interior of the country.
Homeland Security officials say another factor contributing to the decline in overall deportations is the fact that the department focused its interior enforcement operations on undocumented immigrants who fell into "priority" categories, meaning they represented threats to national security, had criminal records in the U.S. or were recent border-crossers. In 2014, 85% of people deported by ICE had a criminal record, up from 67% in 2011.
Another complication was the rise in local and state police agencies who refused to comply with the administration's Secure Communities program. The program allows local police to run the fingerprints of people they've arrested against national immigration databases. If someone is flagged for an immigration violation, they would have a "detainer" placed on them, allowing ICE agents to pick them up.
Last year, DHS officials say more than 250 law enforcement agencies refused to hold detainers, meaning 10,182 of them were released before ICE could pick them up.
"DHS's 2014 year-end enforcement statistics demonstrate that our front line officers and agents continue to execute their critical mission in a smart and effective way, focusing our resources on convicted criminals and those attempting to illegally cross our nation's borders," said Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson in a statement.
Some viewed the figures as the latest vindication of Obama's decision to start focusing enforcement only on undocumented immigrants who are dangerous or have criminal records.
"This reports is another affirmation of how much reforms DHS began in 2010 have improved the immigration system while making the border safer," said Simon Rosenberg, president of NDN, a Washington-based think tank. "Prioritizing criminals in the interior of the country and those caught entering illegally neither 'ratcheted up' nor weakened enforcement – it made it smarter, more effective and better."
Others viewed it as further proof of an administration that has ignored its responsibility to uphold the nation's immigration laws, which in turn has led to more waves of undocumented immigrants trying to enter the country.
"The effective result of the Administration's non-enforcement policy is that anyone in the world who manages to get into the interior of the United States - by any means, including overstaying a visa - is free to live, work, and claim benefits in the United States at Americans' expense," said Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.

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